On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, JP Riedie wrote:

> Shryl Crow is one of the best big mainstream stars around. Not only is her
> heart in the right place, her records are extremely well-crafted and
> listenable, her melodic sense is stronger than many better writers and at
> the very least she tries to express herself.  If she wasn't selling tons of
> records she would, I think be champoined by several folks on this list.
> Since she needs no championing, I'll do it just to be contrary.

I totally agree on all accounts here.  I don't own any of her records . .
. but I think this sums up my impressions of her as a person and an
artist.  And I have had a few instances where I have heard a song on the
radio and liked and found out it  was CC.

Great voice too . . . one of the most expressive female voices in pop


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