Todd Larson wrote:

> But the larger point for me, to say it one more time, is the notion
> of blame.   The conversations here (and Mr. Anonymous' assertion that sucky
> bands are a threat to the roots music movement) is like a bunch of
> restaurant critics suggesting that the sucky Malaysian restaurant should
> shut down before they ruin everyone's taste for the good stuff...

I'm getting sort of lost in these restaurant analogies. <g> I'm not convinced
that Anonymous' opinion on this, as relayed by Mark Rubin, is valid. IMO, if a
sucky band prevents another more worthwhile band from getting signed/played, I
think the music public is going to figure that out in time. Hopefully those more
worthwhile guys kept their day jobs and kept practicing. And as Todd said:

> This kind of thinking smacks of an elitism that I can't tolerate -- as if
> the "sucky" bands are doing something they shouldn't be allowed to do, or
> are actually harming the bands a certain cogniscenti deem to be "real"
> (read, band with chops, bands that are sincere, bands that write "good"
> songs, etc. )  If you think a band sucks, fine, but don't blame them for
> turning off audiences from stuff you happen to like better.
While I can't argue that those unfamiliar with a genre will perhaps be repelled
by a bad band, I expect that folks who are interested and curious about music
are gonna be able to sort the wheat from the chaff, and not quit eating bread if
they get a bad loaf. (Uh oh, that food analogy again) Those that aren't aren't
likely to be doing very much more than buying some of the music they hear on the
radio anyway.

As far as "the roots music movement" is concerned,  there's just too many styles
of music under the alt-country big tent to make the argument fly for me, which
is why I don't think comparing it to bluegrass is particularly apt. Haven't many
of the "best" alt-country acts taken pains to distance themselves from the label

> TW -- have any of you popsters out there seen Jason Faulkner?  Thinking
> about checking it out tonight, and hoping it won't turn me off from pop
> altogether....

Well, I've read very good things about his new record, but I didn't care all
that much for the first one, but I've never seen him, so my advice to you is to
avoid eating Malaysian food at that terrible place I've heard about, though I
wouldn't counsel you to avoid that kind of food altogether. <g>


n.p. Hillman And Pederson BAKERSFIELD BOUND

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