Geez, why is this so difficult to get across?
 As Dave wrote:
>But given most people's busy schedules and abundant entertainment 
>choices, there's a good chance a lousy band (and it's not solely a 
>matter of chops or a lack thereof) *would* turn them off to roots 
>music for good. How many of us have gone back to a restaurant we 
>hated the first time around?
To which Todd replied:
     >But did that stop you from going to restaurants altogether?
     Of course not. Nobody's saying a lousy band will make people abandon 
     *music*. But if someone goes to, say, their first Malaysian restaurant 
     (to choose something fringey), and the food is overcooked and greasy 
     and makes them practically retch, the next time someone suggests a 
     Malaysian restaurant, they may well say, "No, I tried Malaysian food 
     and I don't like it." This is, of course, ridiculous - they just don't 
     like *bad* Malaysian food. But not having inside knowledge of the 
     kitchen or any exposure to *good* Malaysian food, they may well steer 
     clear of anyplace serving Nasi Goreng thence forwards.
     Carl W.
     PS. Translation guide:
     Food = music
     Malaysian = bluegrass or insurgent country or what-have-you for 
     overcooked = clumsily played
     greasy = clubfootedly parodic
     Nasi Goreng = banjo, perhaps

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