mouss ha scritto:
Simone Felici a écrit :
Why? Uhm, dunno...
It seems certain mailclients has Autenticated smtp enabled as default
and if the client found the smtp server support it, then it try to send
in auth. This return an error, due inappropriate settings of the client.

if you know their IPs, you can use  smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps

this could be a solution... but haven't find any example or documation to try 
Could you pount me at any example?

The initial problem was:
I've an SMTP server for customers, with standard smtp open only from a range of 
Could I provide normal smtp service for customers of a range of known IP (like now) and open my server to all the world for smtp service but ONLY if autenthicated smtp i sused?

Is the MUA with an IP of my customers?
YES: It can send without any authentication.
NO: It can send ONLY it a user/pass is provided.


Simone Felici                    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Divisione Tecnica                Tel:    0461 030 111
Alpikom S.p.A.                   Fax:    0461 030 112
v.Fersina, 23 - 38100 Trento     URL:

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