Simone Felici a écrit :
> mouss ha scritto:
>> Simone Felici a écrit :
>>> Why? Uhm, dunno...
>>> It seems certain mailclients has Autenticated smtp enabled as default
>>> and if the client found the smtp server support it, then it try to send
>>> in auth. This return an error, due inappropriate settings of the client.
>> if you know their IPs, you can use 
>> smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps
> Mouss,
> this could be a solution... but haven't find any example or documation
> to try it.
> Could you pount me at any example?

make sure to read:


== discard_ehlo        starttls, auth, silent-discard

(silent-discard prevents postfix from logging this "keyword discard"

> The initial problem was:
> I've an SMTP server for customers, with standard smtp open only from a
> range of IPs.
> Could I provide normal smtp service for customers of a range of known IP
> (like now) and open my server to all the world for smtp service but ONLY
> if autenthicated smtp i sused?
> Is the MUA with an IP of my customers?
> YES: It can send without any authentication.
> NO: It can send ONLY it a user/pass is provided.

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