On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 08:47:28PM -0500, Dave wrote:

> > When you post to this list, you are taking up the time of many experts
> > (and some amateurs like myself :).  Please treat this resource with
> > the respect that it deserves.  These same experts have taken the time
> > to create excellent documentation.  Please respect them and their time
> > by consulting it before asking for more from them.
> I have consulted a bunch of documentation for several hours. I am being
> respectful. I'm working hard on this. I'm searching the docs and google.
> When I can't find answers there, I ask here.

Google is full of noise. Try:


> I still do not have an answer to this question. if you have it, how about
> being a gentleman and sharing it or pointing me to the right place. Thanks.

The specific answer is in generic(5). While you can construct a table
that rewrites all addresses to a fixed value, that would be a mistake.
Consider what will happen to recipient addresses.


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