On 15-Mar-2009, at 17:08, mouss wrote:
LuKreme a écrit :
I can connect now to the submission port from my MUA (mail.app) as long
as I authenticate against the sasldb.  I cannot connect from the
command-line with openssl s_client:

no you can't. which is why Noel added "connectivity" to his
recommendation. only use openssl to see what postfix would do for a
STARTTLS. nothing more.

Figured that out right after sending last. Everything works in postfix right now as it is. I am only able to auth against the salsdb with

$  cat smtpd.conf
pwcheck_method: auxprop
mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN

Any changes I've tried to make to that file so far have failed, so I need to read up on cyrus-sasl-2.1.22 and figure out why it doesn't work for...

Oh, hang on, I think cyrus-sasl was not built with mysql support. Recompiling now, I bet that will sort it.

Well I've seen the Heart of Darkness/Read the writing on the
        wall/an the voice out in the desert/Was the voice out in the

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