Hello all, 

I have a dedicated postfix machine that I use as a smarthost for all my outgoing
email from my internal servers. The smarthost even has only ports 465 and 587

Recently we had the case that an internal used composer an email to an external
recipient and had a typo in the domain.
The internal server currently does no checks but forwards all email for external
recipients to the smarthost. 

The smarthost then replied to the internal mailserver with

Out: 450 4.1.2 <user@domain_with_typo.de>: Recipient address rejected: Domain 
not found

Since this was a 4xx tempfail reply, the internal mailserver tried to send the 
over and over and only after 4 hours the internal mailserver send a "mail 
delayed" email to the original sender. They then could compose the email again 
the correct recipient address, but since they have no ssh root access to the 
they could not remove the email with typo from the internal server's queue and 
they got even more "mail delivery delayed" notifications periodically until the
message expired from the queue.

There is two things that bother me:

- it took 4h for the sender to get a notification that the domain was not found
- after they "corrected" it by sending a second email with the correct address, 
  still got mail delivery delayed notification which leads to confusion if they 
  the fact that the mail with the type was delayed, and instead think their new 
  is delayed again because something is wrong

Is the "unknown_address_reject_code" only used when dns returns nxdomain and 
can thus
be changed to a permanent fail on this server in particular or would problems 
timeout for DNS requests also lead to unknown_address_reject and therefor lead 
legitimate emails being rejected due to network problems?
From my understanding, the latter would be a case of 
and thus a defer_if_permit since I have not changed this setting. 

so tldr: can I change unknown_address_reject_code to a perm fail on a server 
thats only purpose is
to send outgoing mails, without any unwanted effects resulting from this change?
(that means the behaviour of postfix on this machine would exactly be the same 
or without the change with the only difference that emails with typos would be
rejected with a permfail)



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