On 15.02.24 15:27, Simon Hoffmann via Postfix-users wrote:
> - it took 4h for the sender to get a notification that the domain was not 

Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users wrote:
this should be configuable by tuning delay_warning_time

On 15.02.24 16:10, Simon Hoffmann via Postfix-users wrote:
yes, but this setting is "global" in the sense that I cannot restrict the 
time to be short only on "domain not found" or similar errors, and keep it 
longer on
network timeouts or such. Neither Postfix nor my current internal server can 
this distinction (and that is okay).
Sometimes I take the smarthost offline because I perform maintenance on the 
proxmox host. These are normally periods shorter than 30 mins thus I want the 
warning to be something bigger than 1h to not annoy the users, but I want the 
to know immediately if they have a typo in their domain.

I guess you can modity the delay as needed. check your internal MTA docs.
Hopefully the warn time is resolved at the attempt, not at the time mail is received.

Your user sent two mails, one to wrong address and got a deferral then a
It's hard to solve this technically, if user can't look what address failed

Sure. But even I needed to read the delay warning email my user showed me 
times until i finally found the typo in the address. Having the internal server
generate new warning mails after the new email has been sent (because the old 
mail is
still in the queue because it was never officially rejected) only leads to 

Furthermore, since the subject says "mail delayed" the user might not even read 
explanation in the body of the notification and realise that they have a typo 
in their recipient

So having the smarthost postfix permfail an email sent to a domain that does not
exist means the internal user gets the notification immediately and the 
contains "failed" instead of "delayed" and the internal server does not try to 
the mail over and over.

This is what I means "It's hard to solve this technically". The system can't know who did the user want to send e-mail to, system only knows who the mail was sent to.

> so tldr: can I change unknown_address_reject_code to a perm fail on a server 
thats only purpose is
> to send outgoing mails, without any unwanted effects resulting from this 
> (that means the behaviour of postfix on this machine would exactly be the 
same with
> or without the change with the only difference that emails with typos would be
> rejected with a permfail)

I have done this on my servers. I believe it's better when senders know
immediately that the address is not deliverable.


But did you experience any unwanted side effects like the server permfailing 
because of dns timeouts or something?

no, as you wrote before, dns failures are handled by unknown_address_tempfail_action

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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