2009/5/20 Just E. Mail <justem...@imwell-usa.com>:
>> mouss wrote:
>> you can find postfix-2.3.3-2.1.centos.mysql_pgsql.i386.rpm on
>> http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5.3/centosplus/i386/RPMS/
>> although it is old. the easiest way to install it is by using "rpm -i"
>> (to avoid any network problem, download it first and install it from
>> disk).
> After going in circles & squares, I decided to use postfix-2.3.3,which comes
> packed with CentOS 5.3 and easy to install. I also have installed
> PostgreSQL-8.3.7 Client from RPMs. I have installed:  postgresql-libs,
> postgresql, postgresql-devel.
> In my first post, I mentioned that I plan to use a PostgreSQL server at the
> backend to store emails.
> Now my question: How to  build  Postfix  with   PostgreSQL support?

You've got it in your quote from mouss, right there. Seeing as you're
sticking with version 2.3.3, you can use the centos RPM built with
postgres support.
>> you can find postfix-2.3.3-2.1.centos.mysql_pgsql.i386.rpm on
>> http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5.3/centosplus/i386/RPMS/

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