On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 06:54:37PM +0100, Steve wrote:

> > > > > milter_default_action = tempfail
> > > > 
> > > > "/private/samilte" != /home/mail/email/private/samilter
> > > > 
> > > Postfix runs chrooted and the absolute would be incorrect. It's chrooted
> > > to /home/mail/email hence it is correct as far as I understand it.
> > 
> > Note, the difference is more than just the path prefix.
> > 
> That was just a pasting typo. Apologies. It is correct on the box
> (samilter)

It looks like some of your smtpd(8) master.cf entries are chrooted and
others are not. You should use the unchrooted pathname in both cases,
and make a symlink:

        /home/mail/email/home/mail/email -> /

so that the same pathname works in both cases.


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