
I've been looking at some archive posts regarding white listing by
intended recipient domain.

Say for example I wish to white list any incoming mail for:
b...@example.com - is this actually possible?

Thinking about the stages of the SMTP conversation this is not going to
be available until the RCPT TO is given, so any white list (if it is
possible) would need to go in smtpd_recipient_restrictions. That is what
common sense would tell me.

I can already see that any earlier client, helo or sender restrictions
probably can't be white listed by recipient domain - but should it work
at the smtpd_recipient_restriction level?

Perhaps what I am actually asking is; 

Should this work?
Could it be extended to effect a whole domain (not just b...@example.com,
but *...@example.com)
In lieu of smtpd_delay_reject = yes could this be applied to earlier

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