On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:10, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 12:00:33PM -0400, Daniel L'Hommedieu wrote:

Jul 13 11:53:06 hostname postfix/local[6159]: 0650B3059C: to=<o...@rab.net >,
relay=local, delay=0.13, delays=0.11/0/0/0.03, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent
(delivered to command: /usr/bin/procmail)

This looks good. What is in headers of the message in question? Did
any "o...@rab.net" addresses fail to be mapped to "f...@bar.edu"?

I was seeing some odd behaviour earlier today, but I have since restarted postfix (as opposed to simply issuing a "postfix reload"). I am unable to get any unexpected behaviour now - everything is working as I expect it to: - mail originating at my server for f...@bar.edu does not leave my server and is direct to the local account, with an envelope recipient of f...@bar.edu - mail originating elsewhere for f...@bar.edu arrives at my server in the mailbox of o...@rab.net, but with an envelope recipient of f...@bar.edu - mail originating elsewhere for the non-GroupWise address arrives in the same mailbox, and it has the correct envelope recipient (sendmail does not hose it)

I'm not sure what changed, but my guess is that I did a full restart instead of simply a reload.

One other thing I should note is that my virtual map (virtual_maps, not to
be confused with virtual_alias_maps) is no longer working.

The "virtual_maps" feature is obsolete, it was long ago replaced with
virtual_alias_maps, and a backwards-compatible default was assigned:

        virtual_alias_maps = $virtual_maps

I run virtual
domains on my server and have many addresses forwarded offsite; those
forwards no longer work.

Add all your previous tables to virtual_alias_maps, stop using

Thanks, I have modified my configuration as you suggest.


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