On Jul 28, 2009, at 2:05 PM, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:

On Jul 27, 2009, at 11:18 AM, /dev/rob0 wrote:
To name one, I tried to get automobile insurance with GEICO, a large
insurer in the USA. If I had access to my old virtual_alias_maps I
could find many more who rejected the "+".

AT&T, Coca Cola, nearly every bank or any site for a company that is not primarily a tech/web company.

See, the problem is they hire monkey to do their sites, and all the monkeys share the same crappy javascript to 'validate' email addresses.

I found that _ was the best alternative for address delimiters. Users want .'s or -'s too often. Certainly dashes are needed when someone wants 1) their last name AND 2) their last name contains a hyphen like Jones-Smith. Periods (full stops) are fine, but some users like first.l...@domain.tld for their users.

So, I went with '_'

Some large banks use first_l...@foo.com.

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