On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 11:24:17 +0100, Clunk Werclick
<clunk.wercl...@wibblywobblyteapot.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-08-02 at 11:56 +0200, Willy De la Court wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a question about spam prevention and resource optimalisation.
>> This mean that there are a number of tests before the actual recipient
>> address is tested, would it not be better to place the
>> reject_unlisted_recipient very early in the chain? Or am I wrong here.
>> placing the reject_unlisted_recipient earlier in the chain would I not
>> make
>> it easier for dictionary attacks to succeed? The check_policy_server is
>> the
>> postgrey implementation of http://postgrey.schweikert.ch/
>> I added the reject_unlisted_recipient before the postgrey policy test
>> because I noticed unknown recipients being passed to the postgrey
>> test.
>> Any comments would be welcome.
> Hello Willy,
> It depends on how aggressive you wish to be. Looking at the last half an
> hour in my logs, the statistics show my blocking going on. The big fishy
> is 'No PTR' (in words of another no reverse DNS at all) then followed by
> spoof attempts (b...@example.com to b...@example.com).
> I block both of these types before passing to a big list of dnsbl's -
> but they may not be entirely suitable in production and it depends upon
> your BOFH mentality/level -v- your users complaining;
> smtpd_sender_restrictions =
>         permit_mynetworks
>         permit_sasl_authenticated
>         reject_unauth_destination
>         reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname

This one seems interesting. Need to try it out.

>         check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/nospoof

The nospoof is a big nono for me.

>         reject_rbl_client no-more-funn.moensted.dk
>         reject_rbl_client bl.spamcop.net
>         reject_rbl_client dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net
>         reject_rbl_client dnsbl-2.uceprotect.net
>         reject_rbl_client dnsbl-3.uceprotect.net
>         reject_rbl_client dnsbl.sorbs.net
>         reject_rbl_client bl.spamcannibal.org
>         reject_rbl_client spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net
>         reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org
>         reject_rbl_client b.barracudacentral.org
>         permit

wow a lot of rbls. I used to use some of these but got a lot of complaints
so i'm sticking with just spamcop and spamhaus.

> ...
> Have much fun and remember some spam is nice. Especially in a baguette
> with some 'daddies' sauce

Yep very nice.

Simple things make people happy.
Willy De la Court
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