On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 16:52 +1000, Thomas wrote:
> Hey,
> [..]
> > Yes, I use that too - but I like a quick summary on demand.
> See: <http://www.mikecappella.com/logwatch/>
> You can use the scripts _without_ logwatch and get an instant summary of 
> your mail.log.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
Indeed it does and that is interesting, thank you. My long term goal is
to get my Perl to log, in single line;


That is what I really would like to be able to do - but so far I do not
find a way that is easy or straightforward to bring all of this
information together in a single 'delivered' log. Rejected or dropped
mail is straightforward, but delivered mail seems to be harder to cobble
something together to give it, how do you say, 'the inside leg
measurements' ? 

C Werclick .Lot
Technical incompetent
Loyal Order Of The Teapot.

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