On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 11:20:28 +0200
Geert Hendrickx <g...@telenet.be> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 03:19:11PM -0400, Gerard wrote:
> > I use fetchmail to harvest mail from a couple of accounts. I added
> > this to the main.cf file and fetchmail stopped delivering mail.
> Do you actually need fetchmail to deliver mail via smtp?  If you don't
> need special handling by postfix and just want to drop the messages
> into your mailbox, you could just as well deliver directly via
> procmail, dovecot deliver or any other LDA.  Or use Postfix' sendmail
> command line interface.
> Just add "mda /path/do/delivry/program" to your .fetchmailrc.

Well, for one thing, I wouldn't use Procmail if you paid me.
(Well, maybe a lot of money anyway).

Second, not all mail is received via Fetchmail.

Third, it is not my system. However, it does use clamav-milter with
Postfix. Wouldn't delivering directly Dovecot by pass virus scanning?


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Barth's Distinction:
        There are two types of people: those who divide people into two
types, and those who don't.

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