Hi Noel:
I just want to control the sending speed of postfix. Because some of ISP
complain me that my speed is too fast. So I want to make postfix send a
little slowly. I am not sure how can I accomplish this target, so I set up a
test ENV to do testing, to make sure how can I implement it.
Then I found the problem I describe in my first email, you can see it here:

I try to understand how the initial_destination_concurrency and
default_destination_concurrency_limit work? How can it support to improve
the output of delivery. I do a small test.
I config the postfix like this:
qmgr_message_active_limit = 50
qmgr_message_recipient_limit = 50
initial_destination_concurrency = 10
default_destination_concurrency_limit = 10 
default_destination_rate_delay = 10s

and then, I send 5 mail to one server, such as t...@a.com, 5 mail for the
other server, such as t...@b.com.
>From the server side, I can see postfix send mail one by one. For instance,
from A.com, I can see 5 mails, each is 10s delay the previous one. B.com is
the same with A. 
So I feel confuse about how can I use initial_destination_concurrency and
default_destination_concurrency_limit parameters. Because if I change these
2 parameters to 1, the test result is the same.

Does anyone know my problem? How can I make postfix work like the manual

>From my test, I can see default_destination_rate_delay is work well. But I
do not know why initial_destination_concurrency and
default_destination_concurrency_limit not work. Because from the document, I
think if initial_destination_concurrency is 10, postfix will use 10 smtp
service to do sending. Then that is means 5 mails to the same server will be
send out at the same time. But in fact, it looks like postfix setup 2 smtp
for 2 servers, A and B. it will send one mail to A and then wait for 10s as
my setting. For B it is the same. But how does
initial_destination_concurrency and default_destination_concurrency_limit
work? Do you understand my means?

Best regrads!

发件人: Noel Jones [mailto:njo...@megan.vbhcs.org] 
发送时间: 2009年11月11日 3:36
收件人: Coofucoo Zhang; postfix-users@postfix.org
主题: Re: 答复: who know how does initial_destination_concurrency and
default_destination_concurrency_limit work?

On 11/10/2009 8:51 AM, Coofucoo Zhang wrote:
> Hi Petrik:
> Thanks.
> But could you tell me why? Or which knobs can I use instead? I just want
> control the sending speed of postfix, how can implement?

What's wrong with postfix default delivery scheduling that it
needs to be changed?  Describe your problem and you might get
some expert advice.

At least read the docs before you start twiddling knobs.

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