Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the comments.

The reason why I said 256MB RAM, is because that is currently what my VM has...

If I were to take out a dedicated server with:

2.8 Dual Core

how much would that handle?

My customer is a business, with 600 staff, however I think they just use a single broadband connection so that will be the limiting factor, as this dedicated server has a 100Mbps link to the net..

Please let me know what you think



On 12/02/2010 19:24, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 05:14:30PM -0000, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:

My current server has 256MB RAM (It's a VM on slicehost). How many users do you 
think that will handle?
Is more RAM substantially more expensive? 256 MB is rather meek these days.
With physical servers, one typically gets 16GB or more of RAM these days.
Even a 6-Watt Atom-CPU FitPC box comes with 1GB of RAM! Your machine is
way off the mainstream memory curve... For Postfix alone you're fine, but
for running an IMAP server with users, you are likely too cramped, ask
on the Dovecot list, not here. Postfix is not very memory intensive.

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