On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Jonathan Tripathy <jon...@abpni.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Thanks for all the comments.
> The reason why I said 256MB RAM, is because that is currently what my VM
> has...
> If I were to take out a dedicated server with:
> 2.8 Dual Core
> how much would that handle?
> My customer is a business, with 600 staff, however I think they just use a
> single broadband connection so that will be the limiting factor, as this
> dedicated server has a 100Mbps link to the net..
> Please let me know what you think

If you want to give your client good advice, you will have to measure
their mail flow in a meaningful way.
How many messages per second, minute, hour, day do you need to handle?
 How many concurrent SMTP sessions?  Do they even care if a message
takes 100ms vs 100 seconds to traverse this system?

> Thanks
> Jonny
> On 12/02/2010 19:24, Victor Duchovni wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 05:14:30PM -0000, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:
> My current server has 256MB RAM (It's a VM on slicehost). How many users do
> you think that will handle?
> Is more RAM substantially more expensive? 256 MB is rather meek these days.
> With physical servers, one typically gets 16GB or more of RAM these days.
> Even a 6-Watt Atom-CPU FitPC box comes with 1GB of RAM! Your machine is
> way off the mainstream memory curve... For Postfix alone you're fine, but
> for running an IMAP server with users, you are likely too cramped, ask
> on the Dovecot list, not here. Postfix is not very memory intensive.

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