Top-posting fixed. Please don't top-post here, thanks.

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "mouss" <>
>> so OP not only has a "generic" name, but it doesn't resolve back 
>> to the IP. If he can get his ISP to fix his reverse (preferably 
>> using a custom reverse), then maybe things will get better.

On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 11:18:32PM +0100, John WInther wrote:
> My primary concern is that some mailservers deny sending mail to my 
> domains if the reverse dns lookup fails. If I set myhostname to one 
> of my public domains, the reply string from HELO is ok, but the 
> reverse dns lookup fails, If not possible to satisfy both issues 
> what is best configuration?.

Of course it's possible, just as Mouss said. Have the ISP set your
custom reverse name (PTR) for your IP address. Use that name, 
whatever it was that you decide on, as $myhostname in Postfix.

If the ISP can't/won't do that, you can't run a serious MTA there. 
Use a relayhost or shop around for other options. Hobbyists might 
find a VPS hosting service like to be more affordable than 
business-class Internet service.
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