On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 08:50:01AM -0300, Mauro Faccenda wrote:
> I know this isn't exactly a Postfix question, but as postfix's

I plan to make it one. :)

> administrators the users of this list probably can answer the
> question.
> Does anyone can recommend any good alternative to Mailman as a
> Mailing Lists Manager that plugs well with Postfix?
> My only problem with Mailman is that I can't have two lists with
> the same 'mailbox' (the part before the @) in different virtual
> domains (i.e. supp...@company.com and supp...@anothercompany.com),
> and this is mandatory in my setup.

There are dozens of workarounds for this limitation.

First, why does the list name itself matter? What matters is that
actual email addresses are aliased to the list commands. Example
virtual(5) mapping:

supp...@example.com     example.com_supp...@localhost
supp...@example.net     example.net_supp...@localhost
supp...@example.org     example.org_supp...@localhost

And other mappings as needed for the various Mailman commands. In
this example, the outside senders see and use the right support@
addresses, and only the help desk people see the real list names
of "domain.tld_support".

Second, this is trivially solved with multiple instances. You could 
have config_directory as subdirectories of /etc/postfix/ such as 
/etc/postfix/example.com, and do likewise for the queue_ and 
data_directory for each instance.

I don't know about other MLMs, but I am sure you can solve your
problem with some Postfixation.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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