Am 22.03.2010 21:53, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Am 22.03.2010 20:05, schrieb Mauro Faccenda:
>> Hi Reinaldo,
>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Reinaldo de Carvalho
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Mauro Faccenda <> wrote:
>>>> Alternative to that patch? I did some searches and as far as I could
>>>> see, none of the alternatives (that I've found) could reject the
>>>> message in SMTP. I think it's nice to not generate bouncing
>>>> messages/backscatter. But if someone have an alternative besides that,
>>>> it's always welcome.
>>> 1.
>> I took a look at it and, unless I missunderstood, I'll need to add a
>> line for each mailbox in the database and that's inviable for my
>> setup.
>> Also I droped the use of the VDA patches, since it implements
>> everything in Postfix's LDA and I am actually using the Dovecot's
>> (deliver).
>>> 2. Write a policyd to check the quota and reject the message.
>> Can you recommend me any documentation/tips for doing it?
>> Once again, thanks.
>> Mauro
> Hi i didnt analyse
> deeply yet
> but with dovecot lda deliver you can have
> all quota stuff in mysql so
> it should be possible
> to have a policy daemon using dovecot-quota-mysql
> dont know if postfixquotareject can be used for that yet
> but its code should be a possible example layout for writing
> a policy server for dovecot-quota-mysql
> i will test this in the near future
> i have vda patch up and running too without any problems but my goal
> ist using the policy server variant as it feels more code clean to postfix

found this one as test layout

dont know but looks better as a code start
for me fitting my needs

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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