Two questions regarding proxymap:

1. Is a single proxymap(8) process able to handle multiple lookup
tables? I.e., taking the example from the manpage, modifying it to

mysql = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_alias_maps =${mysql}
virtual_alias_domains = ${mysql}

and furthermore assuming a limit of 40 proxymap(8) processes defined
in, will this result in 40 or 80 connections to the

2. Typically, changes in CIDR, PCRE or RegExp tables are not detected
immediately, which is not a problem for short lived processes like
smtpd(8). If those tables are provided by means of proxymap(8) (to
e.g. save memory on very large CIDR tables), will the tables be
re-read as soon as a newly spawned smtpd(8) makes a connection to
proxymap(8) or is it necessary to reload Postfix?


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