* Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org>:
> Stefan Foerster:
> > Two questions regarding proxymap:
> > 
> > 1. Is a single proxymap(8) process able to handle multiple lookup
> > tables? I.e., taking the example from the manpage, modifying it to
> > 
> > mysql = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/
> > virtual_alias_maps =${mysql}virtual_alias_maps.cf
> > virtual_alias_domains = ${mysql}virtual_alias_domains.cf
> > 
> > and furthermore assuming a limit of 40 proxymap(8) processes defined
> > in master.cf, will this result in 40 or 80 connections to the
> > database?
> This depends on the query load. When a client needs proxymap service
> it is either helped by an existing proxymap process that is idle,
> or else it is helped by a new proxymap process.  In the first case
> it will share the table with other proxymap clients.

As a follow-up: If a clients needs to be served by a new proxymap
process but none are available, what happens?


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