
Suppose before I delete away mails (postsuper -d ...),
I backup all the files in the queue directories below:

[r...@postfix]# postconf -d | grep -i dir | grep -i que
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix

To restore these queue files to another server & read these mails,
what are the steps & commands involved?

[r...@postfix]# pwd
[r...@postfix]#  ls -l
drwx------   2 postfix root     1085440 Oct 22 17:28 active
drwx------   2 postfix root        4096 Oct 22 17:27 bounce
drwx------   2 postfix root        4096 Apr  1  2010 corrupt
drwx------  18 postfix root        4096 Apr  1  2010 defer
drwx------  18 postfix root        4096 Apr  1  2010 deferred
drwx------   2 postfix root        4096 Apr  1  2010 flush
drwx------   2 postfix root       36864 Oct 22 17:26 hold
drwx------   2 postfix root     2125824 Oct 22 17:28 incoming
drwx-wx---   2 postfix postdrop    4096 Oct 22 13:10 maildrop
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    root        4096 Apr  1  2010 pid
drwx------   2 postfix root        4096 Apr  9  2010 private

2nd question:
Instead of using "postsuper -d queue_id" to delete say bounce mails,
can I just do it at OS Unix level using " rm bounce/* " ?


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