> >>> What I have not found and am for which I am requesting help, if
> >>> anyone has a pointer or experience in this area, is the ability
> >>> to combine the sender_dependent configuration with a recipient
> >>> condition. Is there a straightforward way to configure this?
> >>> Or do I need to script a custom filter? Or ...?
> >>
> >> Postfix has no recipient-dependent (required here since a message
> >> may have multiple recipients) mechanism of selecting the nexthop in
> a
> >> sender dependent way.
> >
> > Thanks, Victor. OK, good to know.
> >
> >> This requires a second internal delivery hop.
> >> The first to separate out the recipients or senders that are
> > candidates
> >> for bypassing Postini into a separate queue, and the second to
> >> appropriate mail from that queue, either to Postini or not, based
> >> on the remaining criterion.
> >
> > Sounds like one option would be to setup a separate Postfix instance
> and
> > relay to it in sendmail based on Sender (using something like this
> > sendmail mod, http://anfi.homeunix.net/sendmail/smarttab.html).
> >
> > The final step is to include/exclude that incoming mail for delivery
> to
> > either Postini or not based on the recipient's address. Is
> > recipient-based alternate routing possible once the Sender aspect is
> > resolved with the additional internal hop? Any pointers?
> >
> it's much easier than that!
> [two instances]
> otherwise, follow Viktor suggestion and use two instances (run postfix
> twice, with different configurations).
> the first instance sender_dependent_... to route mail from
> f...@sub.example.com to the second instance.
> the second instance has a transport entry to route .bar.net to
> smtp.abc.exaple.org, and a relay host to route the rest to postini
> postini.
> [single instance]
> if you want to play with a single instance, here is an ugly and
> idea:
> start 2 smtpd listeners: one on 25 (standard) and one one say 25001.
> A) on the standard smtpd, use
> check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access_sender
> == access_sender
> f...@sub.example.com  FILTER relay:[]:25001
> B) for the 25001 listener, setup a specific cleanup to rewrite the
> recipient with a specific virtual_alias_maps:
> /^(.*)@(.*\.bar\.net)$/               $...@deviate.$2
> C) setup a transport entry
> deviate.bar.net               smtp:[smtp.abc.example.org]
> D) create a generic entry to rewrite recipient address back:
> /^(.*)@deviate\.(.*\.bar\.net)$/      $...@$2
> yeah, a bit convoluted....

Thank you. With yours and Victor's input it sounds like I can do the
first relay with the existing Postfix processes, configuring a
sender_dependent relay to secondary instances of Postfix to handle
candidates for custom routing from this Sender. 

Then in the secondary Postfix instances configure transport mappings
with default transport to Postini but a domain transport entry to map:


Anything off in my recap?

Thank you,
Scott Stirling
AT&T, Boston

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