Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> >> Wieste, will postfix be moving to the CPL, or will it be retaining the
> >> IPL?
> >
> > The IPL is the second license under which Postfix was released.
> > With IPL and CPL being similar in spirit (and equally objectionable
> > for OpenBSD, according to people I talked to) I need to hear good
> > arguments before I would enter further discussion with IBM lawyers.
> Hi Wieste,

Please, spell my name correctly. Thank you.

> I see that the CPL has in fact been replaced with the EPL.  Do the BSD 
> folks find it as objectionable as well?  If not, then if you do look into 
> re-licensing postfix, perhaps the EPL would be a better solution.

I don't run to the IP laywers for each iteration of the IBM license
agreement, nor do I run to the OpenBSD people to ask for their opinion.

I would need to hear really good reasons before I change this
position.  I don't care if one flavor of "you must release source
code" is better than another flavor. If I had the choice it then
would be the same BSD licence that I slapped on my older tools.


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