Giovanni Mancuso put forth on 3/10/2011 7:22 AM:
>  Hi,
> I would configure my postfix to control if client ip is in blacklist
> only if the mail have a particolar header.
> I tried to create a header_checks table and with a FILTER i redirect all
> mails that have a particular header to localhost on port 2500
> but in this way the client ip is localhost
> Anyone have any ideas?

You don't want to forward the entire mail to a policy daemon or TCP
server via FILTER.  You simply want to reject it if you don't like the
header contents and the IP is in a dnsbl.

The closest thing I know of to this is Sahil Tandon's perl based TCP
server.  It checks the domains in the from, message-id, and reply-to
headers against a configurable list of domain block lists.  The default
list is:

The TCP server returns REJECT if the domain is listed.

Not sure if you're trying to accomplish the same thing or just similar,
but you can get it here:

If you know perl you should easily be able to modify this to do what you
want, as it's so similar to your requirement.  You'll do this in header
checks as it won't work via FILTER.  Usage instructions are in the top
of the file.


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