On 3/12/2011 7:14 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
Wietse Venema put forth on 3/11/2011 8:57 PM:
Stan Hoeppner:
It appears I did understand Giovanni's need correctly.  He should be
able to use Sahil's checkdbl.pl daemon with some modifications.  He'd
simply check that X-custom-header exists.  If it doesn't,

header_checks can't detect missing headers.


The headers are sent to the TCP server daemon one line at a time, IIRC.
  Is it not possible to simply code the daemon to a set variable, say
our_custom_header=0, and increment it if the header exists?  After
processing all headers, if our_custom_header=0, then haven't we detected
the absence of the header?

The data the TCP map receives is:
GET [space] "one header" [newline]
after which the map can send a reply.

Some problems you'll need to address:

How do you know which message a header belongs to?
How do you know when you've seen all the headers for a particular message?
How does a map send a reply when no request is made?

  -- Noel Jones

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