On 10/03/2011 15:04, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Giovanni Mancuso put forth on 3/10/2011 7:22 AM:
>>  Hi,
>> I would configure my postfix to control if client ip is in blacklist
>> only if the mail have a particolar header.
>> I tried to create a header_checks table and with a FILTER i redirect all
>> mails that have a particular header to localhost on port 2500
>> but in this way the client ip is localhost
>> Anyone have any ideas?
> You don't want to forward the entire mail to a policy daemon or TCP
> server via FILTER.  You simply want to reject it if you don't like the
> header contents and the IP is in a dnsbl.
> The closest thing I know of to this is Sahil Tandon's perl based TCP
> server.  It checks the domains in the from, message-id, and reply-to
> headers against a configurable list of domain block lists.  The default
> list is:
I saw the script, but in this way the check is done with header from,
message-id or reply-to that can be a fake.

I would that the check is done on* *client_address.

I'm watching smtpd_milters and i found a software mimedefang. Do you know?

Otherwise, Is there another possible solution?


> dbl.spamhaus.org
> multi.surbl.org
> black.uribl.com
> The TCP server returns REJECT if the domain is listed.
> Not sure if you're trying to accomplish the same thing or just similar,
> but you can get it here:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~sahil/scripts/checkdbl.pl.txt
> If you know perl you should easily be able to modify this to do what you
> want, as it's so similar to your requirement.  You'll do this in header
> checks as it won't work via FILTER.  Usage instructions are in the top
> of the file.

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