Vincent Lefevre put forth on 3/13/2011 4:24 AM:
> On 2011-03-12 10:58:41 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> No, it's not a bug.  As you know maildir storage format stores one email
>> _per file_.  virtual_mailbox_limit is a _per file_ size restriction.
>> With maildir storage it will prevent individual emails (individual
>> files) greater than (default: 51200000) in size being written into the
>> maildir directory, but it will not limit the size of the parent
>> directory, which is what I think you're referring to as a "user mailbox".
> OK, thanks for the details. It seems that I misinterpreted what
> Noel said ("The postfix limit is for mailBOX, not mailDIR.").
> So, this limit is also taken into account for maildir, with the
> following concern: if one wants to increase message_size_limit,
> one still needs to increase virtual_mailbox_limit, even if one
> uses maildir only.

If you use virtual_mailbox_limit with strictly maildir mailboxes, you
may as well set message_size_limit=0 and leave it alone, so you only
have one setting to keep track of.

BTW, I can't see the logic in ever increasing the default, which is
~50MB.  Do your users ever receive single 50MB emails?  Do you want them
receiving 50MB emails?  If anything you should probably lower this
value, not increase it, unless this is a special purpose server that
regularly receives large CAD drawings or Photoshop images or the like.


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