Zitat von Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr>:


Sorry if this seems a bit off topic ...

Postfix is really a great piece of software
and we all thanks to Wiese for his tremendous work.

But to fight spam and all other malicious
problems it's getting more and more sophisticated
and complex to configure every day.
It is not a criticism it is a fact that jump
to every sysadmin's face.

Email communication require a more and more complicated
machinery every day too.

Does anyone has knowing of the future of SMTP ?
Is there some project to replace it by some
more secure protocol ?

Understand me well , writing this I do not want
to start some war I would like to know if there
is some long term reflexion "somewhere" to build
some other protocol.

I know this would be a huge project ...

This is not a problem of SMTP but from the idea to design a system where everyone is able to send a message to some other participant if the "address" is known. So you don't have to reinvent SMTP but to ditch the idea of free electronic communication. One may even argue that it is already partly the case because of ongoing blocking of IP space because of country/DUL/ISP reasons but that is not a technology (SMTP) thing but policy of the receiver.



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