On Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 06:33:20PM -0700, email builder wrote:
> I am testing a simple header_check that uses PREPEND to add a 
> custom header to messages.

Uh, no, I think it is not simple at all. Is this the same issue 
you're working on? You have spent much time, and gotten much help, 
none of which is actually getting you closer to the ultimate goal 
(whatever it may be, you really did not say.)

At some point you should ask: is it more difficult to keep on this 
path, or to buck the OS packaging system and *upgrade* to a recent 
Postfix version which probably CAN do what you want.

Since you mentioned 2.3.3 somewhere, I suppose that means RHEL or 
CentOS. Fortunately it is very easy to use a SRPM and rpmbuild(1). 
Simon Mudd maintains recent Postfix SRPMs. Go for 2.8.2 if he has 
posted that one already.

Disable any automated upgrades. Those have no place on any kind of 
server anyway. Why the fear of leaving the OS package?

> What am I missing?

As I mentioned last night in the other thread, OVERVIEW.html has 
Postfix's big picture, which might prevent you from wasting time 
working on things which are not possible. If you're going to stay 
with the ancient version, use its copy of the documentation, so as
to avoid the "This feature is available in Postfix 2.4 and later" 

As Jeroen mentioned in the second thread, you will do better here 
with complete problem and goal descriptions. All we know are the 
wacky, unworkable hacks you are trying to do. We don't know what 
you're really wanting to accomplish.

I suspect you need one of these three:
    1. A more recent Postfix
    2. A different MTA altogether
    3. A more reasonable goal
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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