On 07/19/2011 05:44 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> smtp_skip_5xx_greeting (default: yes)
>        Skip  SMTP  servers  that greet with a 5XX status code (go away, do not
>        try again later).
>        By default, the Postfix SMTP client moves on the next  mail  exchanger.
>        Specify "smtp_skip_5xx_greeting = no" if Postfix should bounce the mail
>        immediately. The default setting is incorrect, but it is what a lot  of
>        people expect to happen.
>       Wietse

I think it would be useful to maintain a list of the parameters with
non-standard default values. I for one still notice and fix things like
this every few months.

I'd be willing to look through the main.cf documentation for settings
labeled as such if it's for the greater good, but probably not just for
my own benefit.

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