On 2011-07-21 21:47, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 09:39:19PM +0200, Jeroen Geilman wrote:

For mail others send, you can't. For mail you send, if it is important
(I would suggest not), configure the same transport:nexthop for both

        example.com     smtp:example.com
        example.net     smtp:example.net
I'm sure that was meant to be:

        example.com     smtp:example.com
        example.net     smtp:example.COM
Yes, of course.

I honestly don't see where this would be useful though
It is useful, when you want envelopes with recipient in both domains
to be handled in a single transaction with the target nexthop, rather
than a separate transaction for each domain (default).

I understood that part, but that means you'd have to know in advance that that nexthop is prepared to handle both messages.
In other words, it's a manual optimization for special cases.

If there are a lot of messages to destinations like this, sure, it will save bandwidth, but it's not generic or easily generalizable. I could not make out from the OP whether he wanted to do this for ALL mail, or just for selected destination domains - my impression was the former though.


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