Hi everyone,

I haven't played with relay servers much. I really thought
there was a "RELAY_README" but I find no README
files with "RELAY" in them at all.  Hmmm.  Where can
I get the basics?

Specific questions I had were if I can use the standard
DNS "load balancing" (multiple MX records, same priority,
possibly multiple IPs resolving to one A record) setup
*behind* a relay server (those MTAs behind the relay
only being available via the relay and never directly).

Also need to make sure I know how address verification
works when ideally the relay doesn't have access to the
list of (virtual) users.

And assuming I can run postscreen on the relay and
not need to do much connection, client and RBL filtering
on the main MTAs (except address related since the
relay won't have access to local addresses).

Thanks a lot for any pointers.

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