On 2012-06-28 email builder wrote:
>>>> Do not accept mail that you know you can't deliver. Either use
>>>> $relay_recipient_maps (building the list and pushing it to the
>>>> frontend server can be implemented with a simple script), use LDAP
>>>> lookups (in case your recipients are listed in an LDAP directory),
>>>> or use the reject_unverified_recipient restriction [1].
>>> So either way, the relay server ends up with a list of valid
>>> destination addresses right?  Looks like there's just no other
>>> correct way to do it.  Right?
>> There may be other ways, but I'm not aware of any.
> OK.  To be clear, if one were to keep the recipient list out of the
> hands of the relay server, the only reasonable thing to do in that
> scenario is to silently discard all bounces from the internal MTA,
> right?

The reasonable thing to do in a situation like that would be to
re-evaluate the reasoning that led to the decision to not have the relay
know about valid recipients.

> This avoids backscatter but no one would get the helpful bounces in
> the case of address typos, user being over quota, etc.  


Ansgar Wiechers
"Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
--Joel Spolsky

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