Ansgar, thank you for your patience:

>>>>  Well, it looks like I could do
>>>>  relay_domains =
>>>>  transport table:
>>>>  I have to use "" in the transport because I need 
>>>> to use
>>>>  DNS-based "load balancing" of multiple SMTP servers on 
>>>> the backend,
>>>>  but the relay is listed as the primary MX for (my
>>>>  understanding is that I can't do this:
>>>>  because mail would loop, right?  So will using another (essentially
>>>>  junk) domain work for this?
>>>  As long as IS the final destination for
>>> and the relaying server is NOT the final destination for
>>>, the mail should not loop.
>>  I'm not sure whether or not you understood me or if we are in
>>  agreement.
> There is a third option.
>> is will be the relay server, which is the primary
>>  MX.  However, multiple SMTP servers behind it need to be DNS-load
>>  balanced.  So if I do this, mail should loop because the current
>>  (relay) server is, as far as DNS MX records are concerned, the correct
>>  destination server:
> You're confusing DNS and MTA configuration. MX records tell the world
> where to send mail for However, the MX record does NOT
> magically make an MTA running on that host the final destination for
> SMTP-wise.
> An MTA becomes the final destination for when the domain is
> configured in either $mydestination, $virtual_alias_domains or
> $virtual_mailbox_domains. It is NOT the final destination for any domain
> configured in $relay_domains.

No, this I understand.  I based my claim above on the understanding
that this is what happens with a transport such as this:

* mail for arrives at the relay because
  it is the highest priority MX record for
* the relay is told by its configuration (see above) that is the next hop for mail
* so the relay looks up the MX for mail going to
  addresses via and finds
  again that the MX for is itself, creating the loop

I am probably misunderstanding something (like, maybe I can
set the MX for differently and
it will be looked up instead of just  or maybe being the next hop overrides any
MX lookup ???)

> There's also nothing wrong with suppressing MX lookups. You don't need
> MX records for load-balancing mail sent to backend servers. Example:
> ----8<----
> @         IN  MX  10 external1
> @         IN  MX  10 external2
> external1 IN  A
> external2 IN  A
> internal  IN  A
> internal  IN  A
> ---->8----
> The above snippet defines two MX records and
> These are the hosts that the world should send
> mail for to. Since both records are defined with the same
> preference, inbound mail will be (DNS-)load-balanced over the two
> servers.
> Both servers run Postfix with
>   $relay_domains =
> and a transport map
>   relay:[]
> This will cause the two frontend servers to relay all mail for
> to No MX lookup is required for this,
> because you already know (and control) the destination host. And
> resolution of the A record will automatically
> load-balance the delivery, because the A record is configured with more
> than one address (round-robin DNS).

OK, I didn't think of that - DNS load balancing with multiple
A records instead of multiple MX records (for the internal hosts).
I was stuck on how it's usually done for multiple public-facing 
hosts.  Thanks for clarifying that tip for me.  

I think there has been some discussion that some mail servers
like to have multiple MX records and some prefer multiple A records,
thus a safe solution (for public facing MTAs) is to use both.  In this
case, are we assured that Postfix will always spread the load
round robin style to multiple A records?

If that's true, this seems like the best solution 

>>>>  But when the main SMTP server gets mail to invalid recipients, how
>>>>  does it reject it?
>>>  It doesn't reject it. Instead it generates bounces, which - in case
>>>  of spam - will hit innocent bystanders whose addresses were spoofed.
>>>  Do not accept mail that you know you can't deliver. Either use
>>>  $relay_recipient_maps (building the list and pushing it to the
>>>  frontend server can be implemented with a simple script), use LDAP
>>>  lookups (in case your recipients are listed in an LDAP directory), or
>>>  use the reject_unverified_recipient restriction [1].
>>  So either way, the relay server ends up with a list of valid
>>  destination addresses right?  Looks like there's just no other correct
>>  way to do it.  Right?
> There may be other ways, but I'm not aware of any.

OK.  To be clear, if one were to keep the recipient list
out of the hands of the relay server, the only reasonable
thing to do in that scenario is to silently discard all 
bounces from the internal MTA, right?  This avoids backscatter
but no one would get the helpful bounces in the case of 
address typos, user being over quota, etc.  

Is that right?  Probably no one does something like that.

The only other solution I can see is to use something
like Nginx to just proxy the SMTP conversation through
the relay to the internal MTA.  I haven't tried this before,
but if Nginx can perform fast enough and can also be
DNS load balanced in connecting to internal MTAs, would
it work?  If the relay is not near the internal MTAs, will
network latency make this a dubious choice? 

As I understand it, the advantage to that setup would be
that the internal MTAs could be configured as if they were
public facing themselves.  Yes?

Thanks again for being so helpful as I learn

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