On Dec 25, 2012, at 19:08, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> On 12/25/2012 09:36 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> Robert Moskowitz:
>>> I am not finding a tool to edit master.cf similar to 'postconf -e' for
>>> main.cf.
>> It is easy to over-state the importance of such a tool.  Most
>> master.cf changes involve a one-time append operation for a new
>> service, followed by a life time of parameter tweaking in main.cf.
> Agreed.  Nice to have, just not anywhere as important as postconf for main.cf.
> Just that I am trying to maintain a log of what changes I am making.  I can 
> have a file of postconf commands to run as a script for rebuilding my 
> main.cf.  For master.cf, I will just have to have notes of the changes I made.

Use version control. Commit with comments. Git, Mercurial, Subversion, 
and so on. Check out the latest, and move it into place.

Or even just a very basic shell script that will save a copy of the 
current file elsewhere, and then opens the original in your favorite
editor. Document your changes with comments.

Doesn't need to complicated :-)


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