Am 08.01.2013 17:44, schrieb Mark Goodge:
> On 08/01/2013 16:38, Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE wrote:
>> Em 08/01/2013, às 14:21, Wietse Venema <>
>> escreveu:
>>> Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE:
>>>> Why keep trying when we have a clear signal of a temporary
>>>> error?
>>> As Victor noted Postfix does not keep trying the SAME delivery.
>> Yes you're right and I know that. But it keeps trying for another
>> recipients in the same domain.
> Which is absolutely the correct behaviour.
> One of the most common reasons for a temporary delivery failure is a full 
> mailbox. Or, where the remote server is
> acting as a store-and-forward, a temporary inability to verify the validity 
> of the destination address.
> I'd be very annoyed if I didn't get an email I was expecting because someone 
> else on my system had forgotten to
> empty their mailbox, or because another customer of my upstream server had an 
> outage and wasn't able to verify
> recipients.

yes that is all right for any "normal" mail

but if you send out a newsletter you have likely a lot of
users to big ISP's, Telekom Austria even rejects temporary
for whitelisted senders

since every smart admin spilts newsletter-relays from the
normal business mail a configuration option would help
while not hurt your case

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