On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 03:04:37PM -0200, Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE wrote:
> > Configurable, perhaps. But it would a mistake to make this the
> > default strategy.
> > 
> > That would make Postfix vulnerable to a trivial denial of service
> > attack where one bad recipient can block all mail for all other
> > recipients at that same site.
> Not if it could me parametrized. As I said, what if we get 100 errors
> in sequence? Keep trying to deliver another 10k emails knowing that
> you're not allowed to send email at this time is more like a DoS
> attack. We're consuming server's resource when we shouldn't connect to
> them at all.
> > 
> > Imagine if I could block all mail for gmail.com in this manner.
> > 
> > If I understand correctly, your proposal is to treat all 4xx and
> > 5xx delivery errors the same as a failure to connect error.
> No thats not what I meant. What I said is that would be nice to have
> a way to configure specific errors to put the queue on hold for those
> destinations which we're unable to connect at the time.

Could you not just watch your logs and count temporary errors for
each destination?  The script could then reconfigure your mailtertable
to point that domain to a hold transport (or even another box which
is configured to send messages very slowly).  After some amount of
time passes, change back to the normal SMTP transport.

I've never needed to do any such thing.  But, I believe that would
be possible without depending on changes to Postfix, which may not
be not happen.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin

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