Am 08.01.2013 19:08, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> Rafael Azevedo - IAGENTE:
>>> Configurable, perhaps. But it would a mistake to make this the
>>> default strategy.
>>> That would make Postfix vulnerable to a trivial denial of service
>>> attack where one bad recipient can block all mail for all other
>>> recipients at that same site.
>> Not if it could me parametrized. As I said, what if we get 100
>> errors in sequence?
> Big deal. Now I can block all mail for by getting 100
> email messages into your queue

how comes?
how do you get answer to any delivery from you with 4xx?

if it is becasue the 100 messages you are already done because
they reject still your messages and if the otehr side has some
greylisting-like rules to reject messages from you as long there
are not at least 5 minutes without anotehr connection it is even
easier to block you with the current behavior by sending one
message per minute after the treshhold is reached the first time
because you will never go under the 5 minutes

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