I've been fortunate thus far ;) not to have to set up multiple 
instances. Now I'm on a job with a definite need for it: hosting 
company with domains which might possibly be moved to other providers 
without notice.

My solution to the problem was to completely separate submission 
(outbound, mostly) from MX mail. The MSA instance will look up each 
and every domain in DNS and will handle it as DNS says. It will not 
be tainted by any database lookups. The resolver in question isn't 
authoritative for any of the hosted domains. And the MSA instance 
listens on port 587 only, while the MX instance is on 25 only.

The doubt in my mind about this is for mail truly destined to our 
hosted domains. It resolves to an Internet (not an internal) IP 
address which is in the MX instance's proxy_interfaces setting. We're 
in a DC and behind NAT, with that Internet IP address being NATed to 
this host.

They don't have "hairpin NAT" set up, whereby if I try to connect to 
this NATed IP address it would go to the router and come back to me. 
I'm fine with that, actually; while that would solve the instant 
problem, it could be bad in other ways.

The best I came up with: check_recipient_mx_access, where if the 
external name or IP is found, "REDIRECT smtp:[]". Two 
issues with this:
  1. Does not account for sendmail(1) submission
  2. Redirects all recipients of multi-recipient mail
#1 is unknown whether or not it is a problem. #2 is probably minor; 
I'll simply have the MX instance accept and relay them on.

ISTM the only complete solution to this would be DNS views, giving my 
internal IP address for the external name.

Does that cover it all? Is my reasoning valid; is there anything I 
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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