This question is actually two questions - neither of which are Postfix-specific but email-generic - but this list is the best resource I have to ask such questions.

First - I've been contributing to "Project Tarbaby", which means I have a pair of secondary MX records below my primary which accept anything they get - and those get used to build DNS blacklists. Properly configured hosts talk to my primary server without issue. The only question here is - does anyone have an objection to what I'm doing with this?

Second - while this has been working for quite some time, recently my fax-to-email service provider has started sending everything to the secondaries. Which means I get no faxes. I can't configure their servers so I can't fix them. I've told them their systems are broken - at the least they need to refresh their MX lookup - but they insist everything is fine on their end. When I said the were in violation of the RFC's, they sent me back something that said the RFC's are ambiguous with how they should treat MX records, order, and failures. Based on the log exerpts they sent me I believe they're using Sendmail.

Is the method for working with primary vs secondary MX records clear - at least clear enough that my tarpit setup should work? Or is there enough of a grey area that this setup is doomed to failure regardless?


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