Daniel Miller:
> This question is actually two questions - neither of which are 
> Postfix-specific but email-generic - but this list is the best resource 
> I have to ask such questions.
> First - I've been contributing to "Project Tarbaby", which means I have 
> a pair of secondary MX records below my primary which accept anything 
> they get - and those get used to build DNS blacklists. Properly 
> configured hosts talk to my primary server without issue. The only 
> question here is - does anyone have an objection to what I'm doing with 
> this?

This is unsafe, because the connection to the primary MX may fail
for all kinds of reasons, including a temporary network outage
somewhere far away on the Internet. 

> Is the method for working with primary vs secondary MX records clear - 
> at least clear enough that my tarpit setup should work?  Or is there 
> enough of a grey area that this setup is doomed to failure regardless?

Tricks with MX-priority spamtraps share the problem that they make
assumptions about the behavior of all legitimate MTAs.

For a related approach, see, for example, "nolisting". 


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