Am 12.09.2014 um 09:21 schrieb Den:
> Hello there again Michael,
> I think you "nailed" my issue.
> Let me quote a little from documentation of GTUBE for clearance. It stands
> for Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email. /quote,/ "It's been agreed upon
> a single string of characters that should always set off any spam detectors.
> The GTUBE will be rejected as spam... Your spam-filter manufacturer may not
> support this handy spam-testing tool, but if it doesn't please, call it and
> tell it that it needs to." /unquote/
> There is a test email to be sent to check it. It is provided in your posted
> link here
> Now I have sent the test email and the spam detector did not go off (didn't
> work)... Could anybody advise please, where do I head from this point and
> where to look to have it fixed? Is this GTUBE not supported by postfix
> filters and may that be the reason for my other messages not being rejected
> via header checks in postfix? Would highly appreciate any further guidance
> from any postfix experts out there. Many thanks in advance!

in context of "the spam detector" you need to name it
"GTUBE not supported by postfix filters" makes no sense without naming the 

spamassassin supports the GTUBE and if you run it as milter it
REJECTS the message instead *silently drop it* with header_checks
later - the milter reacts on the same header but the difference
is that the delivering client is still connected and get a
reject after end-of-data

don't do that - depending on the country and context you could
go to jail for such a setup and it is unacceptable in general

if i send someone a mail he hes to receive that or the server
has to REJECT it so that mine writes me the bounce - REJECT it
due SMTP session with the delivering server and *not* accept
and bounce a backscatter

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