On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 01:31:59PM -0800, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

> server_host = ldap://zre-ldap003.eng.zimbra.com:389
> server_port = 389
> search_base =
> query_filter = 
> (&(|(uid=%s)(zimbraAllowFromAddress=%s)(zimbraMailDeliveryAddress=%s)(zimbraMailAlias=%s)(zimbraMailCatchAllAddress=%s))(zimbraMailStatus=enabled))
> result_format = %u, %s
> result_attribute = 
> uid,zimbraMailDeliveryAddress,zimbraMailForwardingAddress,zimbraPrefMailForwardingAddress,zimbraMailCatchAllForwardingAddress,zimbraMailAlias,zimbraAllowFromAddress
> version = 3
> start_tls = yes
> tls_ca_cert_dir = /opt/zimbra/conf/ca
> bind = yes
> bind_dn = uid=zmpostfix,cn=appaccts,cn=zimbra
> bind_pw = B7fPB4Deo
> timeout = 30
> So in this instance, I have a user (testuser1) in the domain
> "zre-ldap003.eng.zimbra.com".  I've created an alias domain of
> "zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com".  I'm unable to send out email using
> testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com as the MAIL FROM: address for this
> specific case, even if I (successfully) log in using that username.

For each user list all their mail addresses as additional values
of a suitable multi-valued attribute that holds the users various
valid email addresses.  For example, Microsoft Exchange stores:

        proxyAddresses = smtp:<address1>
        proxyAddresses = smtp:<address2>
        proxyAddresses = smtp:<addressN>

> Is there some way to tell postfix to look for the user under the actual
> domain?

The actual domain is the domain in the user address on the wire,
sorry no wildcards.  Wildcards should be avoided, but soap-box
aside, they are not supported in this context.


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