On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 01:57:48PM -0800, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

> >For each user list all their mail addresses as additional values
> >of a suitable multi-valued attribute that holds the users various
> >valid email addresses.  For example, Microsoft Exchange stores:
> For sites with 10 million + users (or even 1 million +), I don't think
> they'll want to have to go through and list those for every user (we do this
> for account aliases within a domain currently, but they have to explicitly
> set those for the user), and then have to do this every time they add new
> accounts as well.

Avoiding wildcards gives you the opportunity to not burden every
user with legacy domain names just because some users need them.

The update in question as part of rolling out a new domain for 10
million users is not a major burden.  One might also suggest that
SQL is better suited to such situations than LDAP, because of the
richer query language that can do joins.

> In addition, some sites have multiple alias domains.  I have a test dataset
> from a real customer that is a hosting provider, where many of their
> customers own 20-30 domains, so there is 1 primary domain, and 19-29 alias
> domains.

That's fine, just list 20 addresses for some of the users in
question.  Worked fine for ~80,000 users at previous employer.

Sorry, the login table lookup must handle the original address as
the lookup key via a single query.


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