--On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 5:55 PM -0500 Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

Quanah Gibson-Mount:
Imagine al...@example.com e-mails b...@zimbra.com, but bob has set up
e-mail  forwarding to char...@bbc.com

al...@example.com -> b...@zimbra.com -> char...@bbc.com

Standard scenario.

But then... the e-mail is forwarded outside, to mx.bbc.com.
Because the envelope from address is not modified, mx.bbc.com will
reject the e-mail because the SPF record tells it to: mx.zimbra.com
is not permitted to send e-mail from example.com.

Did you mean:
al...@example.com -> b...@zimbra.com -> not(???@bbc.com) ->
char...@bbc.com? I don't see why that is revelant for this thread.

No, not at all.  Just alice@example -> bob@zimbra -> char...@bbc.com

The second paragraph is just talking about the MTAs involved. alice's email initially ends up at mx.zimbra.com, since that's the mta for b...@zimbra.com. mx.zimbra.com then sends it to mx.bbc.com, since that is the MTA for char...@bbc.com. mx.bbc.com rejects it because mx.zimbra.com isn't allowed to send email from al...@example.com.

It sounds like my original thought should work, due to recurrsion, so I'll give that a go. Thanks!



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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